What is Natural?

Hair loss is a natural daily occurrence. On the average, 75 to 100 hairs are lost each day, but most hair regrows because the hair follicle remains.

When shedding significantly exceeds hair growth, baldness occurs.

So Now Let's Talk....

A). Normally, Hair loss is caused by Heredity,
     Hormones and Age.

B). Genetic makeup determines if hair follicles 
     are sensitive to the DHT hormone (dihydrotestosterone), 
     causing them to shrink.

C). This "shrinkage" results in overall thinning hair with time. In addition, 
      the aging process can weaken the hair follicle and consequently the  
      hair shaft. dihydrotestosterone.

D). When this link is made, the hair follicle begins to shrink. 
      It's first noticed as thinning hair,
      since the hair follicle begins producing only a very thin, short hair. 

E.   Eventually the hair follicle dies and permanent baldness 
      and hair loss occurs.

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